Left-Behind Laundry

I’m sure we’ve all seen images of neatly folded piles of clothes left behind by those who are caught up during the rapture of the church. Some believe it. Some mock it. Some think the rapture itself is just a fantasy created by delusional religious lunatics. No time to address that last point, but let me quickly address the clothing issue itself.
There is a biblical example of this very thing happening. The difference is that the Bible does not indicate any form of laundered tidiness. 2 Kings 2:11-14 gives us the account of Elijah being taken directly to Heaven without seeing death. As he was walking with Elisha near the Jordan River, Scripture says chariots of fire and horses of fire arrived, separating the two of them, and they took Elijah to Heaven in a whirlwind. He was ‘raptured’ directly to Heaven.
About the clothes…
After Elijah was taken away by God, verse 13 says that Elisha picked up the cloak/robe “that had fallen from him (Elijah)” and then walked over to the river. Elijah’s clothes DID fall to the ground right where he was standing! His earthly garments had no place in glory.
1 Corinthians 15:50 says that perishable things do not inherit the imperishable. Because the things of this world are all perishable (including our bodies), they either need to be changed or left behind. Salvation has come for the souls of humanity, not the soles of our vestiary. Our clothing was not redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, WE were…and we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye and we will inherit the imperishable.
Now, put your dirty clothes in the hamper. Then go look up the word vestiary.


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